Friday, January 29, 2016

ILD 130 - Project 2 - Cat Women of the Moon

Initial Final Concept Sketch

We were tasked with coming up with art work for a sci fi work that was in free domain. I did an internet search and found Cat Women of the Moon . But I wanted to add my own twist. I like having strong minority characters. Since we don't see black people portrayed often as main characters in sci fi, I chose this route. Note to Jade Smith, Will Smith, and Stacey Dash if you dont like what the mainstream is doing, USE YOUR DAMN MONEY TO MAKE GOOD STUFF FOR THE FANS! Host free showings, cast unknowns and make cameos in the film projects DAMMIT. Stop bitchin' and use your creativity as a weapon and stop damn whinning!  RANT OVER! anyway...  I watched this B movie and it was horribly wonderful. I liked it. What more could a man ask for, cat women, space, and strong sexual over tones. Watch the full movie here... 

Developmental Work

I created the afro woman from a nice photo I found of a woman with a fro looking over her shoulder. It had the attitude that I liked and fit. I created a logo using the fonts Alien Encounters and Alien League. These fit and worked well for the concept. Giving reference to the movie Alien

Initial Concept Sketch

I did this initial concept sketch in class. I wanted to use Viola Davis as my primary photo character reference, but moved against it. There are many reasons why. First, I think the woman is totally beautiful, and when I draw her I want to make sure the likeness is accurate. Since my skill set is not there yet, I am holding off. I also created a design problem, which I was (for lack of a better reason) was too lazy to fix. I visioned the main cat woman clenched fist with the astronauts standing on the moon or with the nemesis cat woman looming over them with a clenched fist. Her afro would fade into the moon. I wanted to make a shout out to the Flash Gordon movie poster of Ming the Merciless. But I also wanted the astronauts standing on the moon in the foreground too. This just didn't work because there would be two moons. I thought the astronauts could be standing on the logo, but the design was then too cluttered. So I reconstructed my layout so I could go forward with the project.

 Inspirational images 


Again the design and concept of the original is dated. But it campy, sexy, and fun! My concept does not capitalize on this. But the project didn't call for this, just and illustration. In a combination of being lazy and not having the time between my full time job, client project, and working on The Soul of Hero

Reference Images

basic moon from Wikipedia and the sexy afro woman. I made her more cat like and made her makeup look like something from the original film.

check back later this weekend as this project develops.

Again your feedback good, bad and ugly is much appreciated...


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